
31 August 2021 2022-11-26 22:31
About Company

Play together

An interactive racing platform built on the ideals of community and fair play

rooners was created when two like-minded people, living in different cities hours apart, wanted to race each other. They quickly discovered that no run tracker could give them what they wanted: an easy-to-use interface that would allow them to compare stats after a run.

They decided to make their own, and rooners was born.

rooners is primarily an interactive racing platform built on the ideals of community and fair play. A space to challenge yourself and others, a virtual home for those who are always striving to become their best selves.

At rooners’ core is the most basic of games, a one-on-one challenge. You and your opponent both have 24 hours after the challenge is accepted to complete a distance of your choosing. At completion, rooners will calculate and display both players’ time, pace, distance, route, and more side by side and determine the winner. Our totally independent GPS system and anomaly-detecting algorithm, built from the ground up by our talented and hard-working team of developers, ensure a level of fairness never seen before.

Our aim is to inspire and unite runners worldwide with engaging games for runners of all levels, whether you’ve never run a mile before in your life, or you’re a seasoned marathon runner.
Don’t like running? Don’t sweat it. It’s totally okay if you prefer to walk; we have games for you too.

Through gamification and inventiveness, we are committed to continuing to provide new levels of motivation to your daily (or weekly, or sporadic – no judgement here!) workouts.

As you are working hard to improve little by little every day, so is the rooners team, behind the scenes, working on improving our platform to better support your goals and needs. So you can do better, feel better, and be better. Every day.

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